16.10.2015 17:14 h

Platini deal was 'gentleman's agreement' - Blatter

Suspended FIFA president Sepp Blatter claimed on Friday that the two million dollar (1.8 million euros) payment he made to UEFA president Michel Platini was a "gentleman's agreement".

"It was a contract I had with Platini, a gentleman's agreement," said the 79-year-old in an interview with Swiss media RROTV.

"It was implemented. I can't give any more details, the issue is being discussed in two investigations."

Asked directly if the contract had been made within the rules, Blatter added: "Yes, certainly, it was within the rules."

Blatter and Platini, 60, have both been suspended for 90 days by FIFA's ethics committee as Swiss authorities conduct a criminal investigation into corruption allegations at the scandal-tainted world football governing body.